About Me

Hi! My name is Natalie and welcome to my food blog. My husband, Muhi, and I decided to start this blog in order to share all of the delicious concoctions I make in the kitchen. Muhi is a nonprofit fundraiser and photographer (focusphoto.co) and I am an aspiring restauranteur from Detroit, Michigan currently residing in the Bay Area of California. Together, we promise to provide tasty step by step recipes paired with mouthwatering photos.

The name "The Cherry Thief" comes from a story I once heard my mother tell me. When my mother was young, my grandmother made a jello mold filled with cherries to take to a party the following day. That night, my mother snuck down to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and proceeded to surgically extract each piece of cherry from the jello mold. After she had eaten every last cherry, my mother realized she could not leave this hole ridden jello mold looking like swiss cheese. So she proceeded to fill each of the holes with other various pieces of fruit she could find in the refrigerator. Needless to say, my grandmother noticed. I therefore dedicate this food blog to my mother, the Cherry Thief.

My husband and I have many cultural influences on our food preferences. I come from a Greek/ Southern background and Muhi's family is of Indian/Pakistani descent...so the food we cook is pretty diverse. It would not be an odd thing in our household to see spanakopita and tandoori chicken on the same dinner table. Ultimately, our dream is to start our own restaurant that includes all our favorite family recipes. Enjoy!

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